Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Mother Goose Leg 1, Day 20 – Patterson Inlet to Newcombe Harbour

This last portion of our adventure just seems to be flying by. It’s hard to believe that we will be in Ketchikan by the end of the week. We are savoring every moment of it and fortunately the weather over the last few days has been absolutely beautiful. More blue skies and calm waters guided us on our cruise to Newcombe Harbour today. The route to Newcombe was filled with scenic islands scattered about. Slews of rocks hid just under the surface waiting to startle a passing vessel. Our Grand Banks snuggled together in order to avoid being startled and safely traverse these concealed obstacles. Once through the gauntlet, the islands opened up into the crystal clear waters and open sky of Petrel Channel. Captain Brian decided to give the skippers of the vessels a thrill by having them open up their engines and cruise full throttle. It was a magnificent sight to see these beautiful boats cut through the sea tossing a wake behind them like a prize stallion just let out of the gate. You could tell the skippers were giddy with excitement over the power unleashed beneath them. Arctic Star and Mystic Eagle seemed to jockey back and forth creating a trail of large roller coaster waves which seemed to mimic the arcs of the peaks above them. The goslings beat Deception into Newcombe Harbour and found their own anchorage spots to cozy into for the evening. Inside Passage rafted to Deception and hosted dinner for them. It was like a Thanksgiving feast with plate after plate of pure deliciousness! After Annie’s fantastic meal, we headed for the shore of Pitt Island to have another bonfire. Jordan and Casey gathered firewood while Captain Brian collected some expired flares to use as a match. After dousing the fire pit with gasoline, Captain Brain took aim and fired into the piled wood… four flares later (including one smoke flare which covered us in a sheet of orange smoke) we had a fantastic bonfire ablaze which burned well into the night, keeping us warm, safe, and happy.

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